Monday, March 21, 2005

The Farce that is Compassion

Right to SpeakI had hoped that I would not feel compelled to comment on this, I had hoped that people would not be as obsessed about Terri Schiavo as they are. Congress should not have become involved in this case. They have made what is a very personal and family matter, a political one. And a political one of the worst type. Now people who do not know either side of this family feud(and that is what this has become) are using this tragic case to further their own ends. Case in point: Tom Delay could care less about Terri Schiavo, he is using this as a method to divert attention off of him and the possible indictments in Texas. Also I see this as a way that the Republican leadership can shore up the base as they move to get rid of the filibuster rules in the Congress. Further it appears that this, possibly unconstitutional law, is so broad anyone can bring such a case to the federal level. To think that after 10 years of litigation and 15 years of her being in this vegetative state, that there any new law that would apply here is beyond belief. This is the type of law that Rehnquest has been opposed to, to think that he would allow this to be brought before his Supreme Court is wishful thinking. Congress has way over stepped its bonds here, and they know it. This has become grandstanding by a radical part of the Congress and it appears that few have the back bone to stand up and say so in Congress.

1 comment:

Solarusmoon said...

This is very true. As a future nurse I have already seen this a lot - everyone needs to let their loved ones know what they want or don't want if they are incapacitated... and it needs to be in writing...