Thursday, June 30, 2005
Iraq War Casualties
This site Iraq War Casualties Map shows the Casualties across the country from January 2001 to the present in 30 day steps. They also give information on each (name, age, rank, hometown, and date and location of death.). It's important to always remember what we are asking as a result of staying in Iraq.
Highly Disturbing Direction of the Courts
RightsThis combined with the story that reporters can go to jail for not revealing a source to a story they didn't write, shows the disturbing direction our nation is going.
Maybe it is just me, but I think the juxtaposition of two recent Supreme Court decisions is highly disturbing. The intellectual property rights of corporations are so important that any technology that could conceivably impinge on them should be suppressed - literally or by forcing inventors to lawyer up before they even know what to do. Your right to keep your own house if a corporation wants to develop the land, however, isn’t so important. The theoretical taking of imaginary property is to be avoided; the literal taking of your physical property is to be encouraged. This strikes me as completely fucked.
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Custom Button Maker
Gallery of DRM-Related Antipixel Buttons and Badges
If you interested you can create your own at

Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Warships as Prisons?
UN officials say the US is suspected of keeping secret prisoners on warships. This combined with the reluctance of this administration to give access to the UN to Gitmo, spells real trouble in the future. And further erodes the moral high ground we had before this administration lost their minds and thought we didn't have to abide by international treaties we signed. The problems at Abu Ghraib and those in Afghanistan combined with the resent events in the Italian courts, wanting 13 CIA officials for kidnapping in connection with questionable Rendition Flights out of Italy.
Quote of the Day
Rumsfeld said: We're not going to win against the insurgency; the Iraqi people are going to win against the insurgency.Daily Kos' is right, that if say Dean had said this all hell would of cut loose on him. The Republicans and in particular this Administration is have been getting off way to easly in the press.
Monday, June 27, 2005
A Ray of hope with P2P
Related Articles:
Fortune: The File Sharing Fight's Not Over
Two horrible decisions from the Supreme Court
A very bad day for innovation, the Internet and the Public.
Updated Related Articles:
Not a Good Day for Innovation, Customer Rights and Free Speech
EFF: Supreme Court Ruling Will Chill Technology Innovation
All Volunteer Army?
And now that the limits of this all volunteer army are being seen on the horizon, these people who sent them in to harms way refuse to see the dangers that they have placed on all of us.
These volunteers have done all we have asked of them, with great courage and professionalism. But it is time to be honest with the American people, our security is in question in the near future (say 6-12 months) due to recruitment shortfalls now. We as a nation need to start this discussion on what will happen, if as Rumsfeld says we will be in Iraq for some time yet.
Related article:
NYTimes: The Army's Hard Sell
Daily Kos: The Demise of the All Volunteer Army?
Saturday, June 25, 2005
Friday, June 24, 2005
Republican Version of Patriotism
Thank god the College Republicans are in the forefront of the fight for freedom...Just like our soldiers are dying in Iraq, campus conservatives are stapling flyers for an Ann Coulter speech to a kiosk. Basically the same thing...Our nation desperately needs young men and women to fight the war they support. Yet they refuse to step forward. They pretend to honor those making the sacrifices, but don't you dare ask them to move past empty rhetoric and put words into action. That would be too "negative"..Read from Daily Kos More.
Just like good old George W did during Vietnam, they may talk tough, but when push comes to shove they will run for cover. And find creative ways to say that they have other things that they have to do, other than serve and go to Iraq or Afghanistan.
Bushism of the Day
Click here to see video of Bushism (Needs Real Player). Quote at 3:19 into his speech.
Slate: The Complete Bushisms
Thursday, June 23, 2005
Broadcast Flags
Way to go!
EFF: Deep links
EFF: Join the Liberation Digital Television Front!
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Disinformation: Bases
What is disinformation ? The disinformation is a manipulation of the public opinion, for political purposes, with an information processed by diverted means.
What are its goals ? - at the enemy : to demoralize, weaken, disintegrate, destroy it. - at home : to neutralize and drive the masses in order to make them go in the desired direction at the desired moment without resistence. Success in this area is mandatory in any democracy, which is in fact nothing else than an apparent dictature of the majority.
How to do it ? - Discredit the authorities of the opposing country, imply them into illegal operations, shake their reputation. - Discredit and hold up to ridicule everything which is good in the opposing country. Its traditions, its religion, its faith, its army, its history. The aim is to destroy the identity of a people. - Weaken the adversary. Encourage and make him a slave of his passions (sex, money, wealth, power) in order to make him paralyzed and without resistence.
- Destroy the adversary by dividing him. Excite some against others, young against old, women against men, political wing against political wing. - Accordingly, do exactly the contrary in your country. Make the nation united in the same spirit and having the same will, reinforce the trust in your power, your institutions, your leaders. Read more....
Thursday, June 16, 2005
New to me -- Delicious tags
The beginnings of my Bookmarks. The really interesting thing is that also offers RSS feeds for an individual's tag or for a given poster's bookmarks.
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Fortress of Babble
To hear the piece visit their site and listen to Talk Freely Behind the Fortress of Babble.
Legal Guide for Bloggers
Blogger Legal Liability Issues
Bloggers As JournalistsThe Overview of Legal Liability Issues FAQ briefly addresses some common legal issues that affect you as a publisher, especially situations where you may face legal claims or threats based on the information you published on your blog.
The Bloggers' FAQ on Intellectual Property addresses issues that arise when you publish material created by others on your blog.
The Bloggers' FAQ on Online Defamation Law provides an overview of defamation (libel) law, including a discussion of the constitutional and statutory privileges that may protect you.
The Bloggers' FAQ on Section 230 Protections discusses a powerful federal law that gives you, as a web host, protection against legal claims arising from hosting information written by third parties.
The Bloggers' FAQ on Privacy addresses the legal issues surrounding the privacy rights of people you blog about.
Other Legal Issues for BloggersThe Bloggers' FAQ on the Reporter's Privilege is useful to bloggers who report news gathered from confidential sources.
The Bloggers' FAQ on Media Access can help bloggers who need to get access to public records and government meetings, as well as secure press passes to help with newsgathering.
The Bloggers' FAQ on Election Law addresses the legal issues you may face blogging about political campaigns.The Bloggers' FAQ on Labor Law addresses legal issues with workplace blogging, including union organizing, protections for political blogging away from the workplace, and whistle blowing.
Monday, June 13, 2005
Disturbing Video Clip
Tim Riley: blog entry 6-13-05
Tim Riley: Podcast
Video: Micheal
Sunday, June 12, 2005
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Yes Men
The Yes Men
The Yes Men Movie
Rotten Tomatoes: Yes Men
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
Alias Spoof
The Lost Episode is our tribute to 'Alias' the ABC series that brought Sydney to life. The spoof was a gift to series creator JJ Abrams, who was so pleased that he mailed personal letters of praise to each member of our cast and crew.
Photo Credit: NewBorn Pictures
Friday, June 03, 2005
Space Elevator
The Audio of this interview should be posted later today on the Talk of the Nation site.
Related Articles:
NPR: The Path to an Elevator into Space
Wikipedia: Space Elevator
Thursday, June 02, 2005
Brinkmanship in the Air Force
The cuts come as Air Force aircrews are heavily worked, flying missions in Iraq, Afghanistan and over some U.S. cities in an attempt to prevent another terrorist attack.
"Starting early this summer, units may have aviators unable to get required training to maintain full combat-ready status," Col. Jim Dunn, deputy director of flight operations for ACC, said in a written statement. "Overall effectiveness will become a growing challenge." Read more...
This is insane! These cuts do not effect either the Blue Angles or the band spankin' new F-22 Raptor, show pieces for the Air Force, only everyone else. So they are going to kill some of are best and brightest for what? I think that cutting something like the F-22 should be done long before you start cutting training time in a period which see these same people going to Afghanistan and Iraq where that training will save lives. As it is they must think that someone will run to their rescue and give them the money to do mission critical things as well as all of their pie in the sky programs that should be cut to meet these short falls. This sort of gamesmanship is dangerous and should never have been permitted by the leadership.
Related Articles:
Pilot Training Time Slashed
Training Cuts: Ex-Pilots React
Bushism of the Day
"See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda."—Greece, N.Y., May 24, 2005
Related links:
List of Bushisms
The Complete Bushisms: The president's accidental wit and wisdom.
Bushism Daily RSS
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Another couple of nails in the EU Coffin
Personally I think that the Political elite of Europe have brought this on themselves by dictating to their countryman and not giving them any real say in the process other then rubber stamping their collective agreements. While I have felt that the idea if the European Union was a good one, their process has left much to be desired.
Dutch Voters Reject EU Constitution
Euro sinks further after ‘break up’ talk
History of the European Constitution
European Constitution