Thursday, June 30, 2005

Highly Disturbing Direction of the Courts

I know that these decisions came down a few days ago but this blog entry from Evil Genius Chronicles really sums it up and I feel is worth repeating here.
Maybe it is just me, but I think the juxtaposition of two recent Supreme Court decisions is highly disturbing. The intellectual property rights of corporations are so important that any technology that could conceivably impinge on them should be suppressed - literally or by forcing inventors to lawyer up before they even know what to do. Your right to keep your own house if a corporation wants to develop the land, however, isn’t so important. The theoretical taking of imaginary property is to be avoided; the literal taking of your physical property is to be encouraged. This strikes me as completely fucked.
This combined with the story that reporters can go to jail for not revealing a source to a story they didn't write, shows the disturbing direction our nation is going.

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