Tuesday, August 02, 2005

The "Not Insane" To-Do List

Here is a easy way to pair down all you other to do lists:
"There is no multi-tasking. There is only the monkey mind jabbering so fast it seems like multi-tasking." *

LET'S FACE IT, we all have far too much to do. But the only reason this is so is because of the proliferation of productivity tools that respond to our insane lust to be "productive." Driving this insanity is the To-Do list which is, being limitless, is unlimited in its ability to drive us insane. It's time to stop the To-List insanity. Toss all you've previous To-Do Listing Systems you've got out -- paper and/or electronic -- and convert to this new, improved certifiably not-insane system.

The "Not Insane" To-Do List

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