Wednesday, March 05, 2008

South America at War?

Photo Credit: UT Map Collection
I find it very weird, the rhetoric coming out of South America. First you have a raid in Ecuador on a F.A.R.C. base killing 23. Then you get the President of Ecuador calling it a massacre of civilians. Then you have the opportunist Chavez jumping into the middle of this siding with Ecuador and sending 6000 troops to the border with Columbia. With the type of money floating around the F.A.R.C. from it's drug activities. I wouldn't be surprised if they haven't been giving money to both Ecuador and Venezuela so that they could use their countries as staging areas for their operation in Columbia.

One of the men killed, acording to the BBC, was one of the Farc's head negotiators and one of the most senior members of the Farc to be killed was Raul Reyes. According to the Columbian, Reyes has connections with the Velezuelian and Ecuadorian governments.

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