Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Zogby Poll on Impeachment of Bush

Zogby is reporting that in their polls more people support impeaching President Bush than supported the impeachment of Clinton.
The Poll
It found that Bush’s job approval ratings had slipped a point from the previous week, to 43 percent. While half (50%) of respondents do not hold this view, supporters of impeachment outweigh opponents in some parts of the country.

"Among those living in the Western states, a 52% majority favors Congress using the impeachment mechanism while just 41% are opposed; in Eastern states, 49% are in favor and 45% opposed. In the South, meanwhile, impeachment is opposed by three-in-five voters (60%) and supported by just one-in-three (34%); in the Central/Great Lakes region, 52% are opposed and 38% in favor....
The real question is why the media is not reporting on this story? It just further shows that it is a myth that the media is liberal. Sure some reports are liberal but they work for large conservative cooperations. Read the debate in the Blogosphere at Memeirandum

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