Saturday, May 21, 2005

Thoughts on Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith

I've been thinking about this film ever since I came out of the theater. I enjoyed Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith even given it's bad dialog at the beginning of the film. George Lucas has succeeded in giving a strong ending to this the last of the prequel films. I felt satisfied that we have finally come full circle with this story. Ending where we came in. With the Empire Ruling the Galaxy, and Darth Vader as the Emperors' enforcer.

I am tempted to sit down and rewatch Ep. IV-VI to see if after viewing Ep. III, I view these films from my youth in a different way. So moving is the way that Lucas hands the fall of Anakin Skywalker in this film. As many have stated in their reviews, Lucas has handled the transformation to Darth Vader in an all too human way. I also can see how the Cannes Film festival could have seen this film as a statement on the Bush administration. Lucas has tried to capitalize on this, but I feel that any similarities are pure happenstance, owing to the forces of history and story telling any similarities with Bush and current events.

Now, the question is, will 20th Century let this franchise go? Or will they try, at some future date, to make the rumored Episodes VII-IX that Lucas claimed he outlined years ago, without him?

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